NO HATE SPEECH at Non-formal Education Day

For the fourth time, In October, nonformal education it's out in the street! Or in school, in businessbuildings, or museums...or in any other place that you find it proper for education! Between 10th and 11th of October takes place Nonformal Education Day 2014, an event that promotes nonformal education. 

We invite the NGOs to participate with activities dedicated to hate speech combating. Living library, shadow theater forum theater, origami, or any other nonformal method trough the visitors can experience different situation related to hate speech are more than welcomed. 

Exemples of nonformal methods applied to combat hate speech were presented in 2013 at the Laboratory of Nonformal Education wich was held at Gura Portitei. 

Video presentations of over 20 methods can be found below.

Further details about the event can be found here.
