Second Round - Projects proposed for funding within Component 3
In the tables below you can see the lists of projects proposed for funding under Component 3 - Sustainable Development.
Please keep in mind that the projects proposed for funding will be contracted only if they meet all the conditions of eligibility after the analysis of documents (more information can be found in Section 6.5 of the Applicants Guidelines).
The list of projects proposed for funding was established in order of the average score obtained after the evaluation, taking into account the types of grants allocated for each sub-component separately.
As determined by the Selection Committee, in the event that financing can be awarded to only one project from a list of projects with equal scores, the first criteria to adjudicate among is the average score obtained for the "Relevance" criterion. In case of equal average score obtained for the "Relevance" criterion, the next tiebreaker criterion is the average score obtained for the "Specific aspects of the financing program” criterion.
The projects that obtained a lower score than the ones proposed for funding, will be funded in order of the scores in case of emerging any additional funds.
The final list of the financed projects within Component 3, Round 2, will be published on the Programme’s web page at a further date after signing the financing contracts.
Please see below the list of projects proposed for funding. The entire list of projects evaluated within this Component, that also passed the criteria "Project Relevance" and "Project Methodology" cand be studied in the following document: R2_Evaluation results_C3.
No. |
Registration no. |
Name of the Applicant |
Title of the project |
Average score |
Small Grants (5.000 – 35.000 euro) |
1. |
C3_33(1225) |
Asociatia pentru Conservarea Diversitatii Biologice |
Managament participativ pentru eliminarea speciilor invazive din aria protejata Lunca Siretului Inferior |
85,5 |
2. |
C3_154(1761) |
Social Trading Urban Place |
Uleiosul |
82 |
3. |
C3_82(1678) |
Fundatia Comunitara Covasna |
Livada pentru Comunitate |
78,5 |
Medium Grants (35.001 – 75.000 euro) |
4. |
C3_28(1155) |
Organizatia GeoEcologica ACCENT |
Bazinului Ciucului de Jos - traditie, natura si educatie |
86 |
5. |
C3_134(1738) |
Asociatia Romana de Permacultura |
Educatie pentru sustenabilitate: Gradina ca o resursa pedagogica pentru o dezvoltare durabila |
83 |
6. |
C3_36(1292) |
Asociatia EcoLogic |
Calatoreste verde – cu emisii zero in destinatia de ecoturism Mara–Cosau-Creasta Ccosului |
82 |
7. |
C3_96(1696) |
Asociatia Institutul pentru Politici Publice |
Dezvoltare durabila a comunitatilor locale prin colectarea selectiva eficienta a deseurilor |
82 |
8. |
C3_108(1711) |
Asociatia E-Consult Satu Mare |
Hotelul pentru insecte – o metoda economica si ecologica pentru agricultura durabila |
81,5 |
9. |
C3_46(1487) |
Asociatia Greenitiative |
Centrul de Instruire si Consiliere Energetica ”Green Mogo” |
81 |
Large Grants (75.001 – 150.000 euro) |
10. |
C3_30(1178) |
Asociatia Centrul de Biotehnologii Microbiene |
Solutii eco-inovatoare pentru dezvoltare rurala durabila |
84 |
11. |
C3_156(1763) |
Asociatia Grupul Milvus |
Infiintarea retelei nationale pentru salvarea animalelor salbatice ranite |
83,5 |
12. |
C3_65(1654) |
Asociatia Biounivers |
Conservarea biodiversitatii in doua situri Natura 2000 prin implicarea comunitatilor locale |
80,5 |
13. |
C3_155(1762) |
Asociatia Agent Green |
Aduceti padurii zambetul inapoi! |
80,5 |
14. |
C3_86(1683) |
Fundatia Centrul de Ecologie Montana |
Conservarea peisajului agro-pastoral si a biodiversitatii in zona Fundata - Moieciu de Sus |
80,5 |
15. |
C3_19(1096) |
Asociatia de Vanatoare Piatra Craiului - Fagaras Conservation |
Ecoturism si conservarea biodiversitatii intr-un fond cinegetic, pentru dezvoltare sustenabila prin programe de observare a faunei salbatice |
78,5 |
16. |
C3_92(1692) |
Fundatia Conservation Carpathia |
Reconstructia habitatelor forestiere din Valea Dambovitei, in suprafete cu eroziune severa cauzate de exploatarile forestiere necorepunzatoare |
78,5 |
17. |
C3_177(1784) |
Asociatia pentru Protectia Liliecilor din Romania |
Help line - salveaza liliecii, ajuta oamenii |
78 |