Announcement for the selection of participants at Matchmaking Seminar
Civil Society Development Foundation is organizing on 26-27th of November 2013 a seminary in order to facilitate the interaction and the discussions about cooperation and development of partnerships (Matchmaking Seminar) between non-governmental organization from Roumania and istitutions/organizations from the donor countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein).
The event will be organized in Bucharest, as an support activity for coordination of bilateral relations during the financing program, NGO Fund in Roumania, part of the SEE and norvegian grants 2009-2014.
During this semina,r we also propose to create a space of concrete ideas for helping to develop projects in partnership which will be deposited in the forthcoming calls for applications of the ONG Fund in Romania.
The seminary is planned to host maximum 30 NGO representatives in Romania (of which 20 are from outside the Bucharest). The final number of roumanian participants will be related to the number of the donor countries participants, being interested also about their common interests of colaboration. If the number of aplicants will exceed the number of available seats, we rezerve the right to select the aplicants.
Until now organizations participating from the donor countries have confirmed their participation in the seminar and presented their particular field of activity correlated with the following themes: sustainable development in voluntary and NGO participation in skills development.
The main attention will be given to the organizations which have not previously been involved in networking activities and development of bilateral relations supported by fund NGOs (eg the first call of mobility funded by the Fund for bilateral relations, or participation in other international events achieved through NGO Fund.
The preliminary agenda of the seminary is available here.
The working language of the event is ENGLISH. The deadline for romanian aplication is 11th of november 2013, and the selected participants will be notofy until 15th November. The location will be announced later.
For suplimentar information, please contact:
Vlad Dumitrescu, Senior Grants Officer NGO Fund
Email: vlad.dumitrescu (@)
Tel: +4 021.310.01.77